Haunted House @ The Gopher Hole, London
9 December 2010About a Minute is the inaugural exhibition at The Gopher Hole, founded by aberrant architect Beatrice Galilee. For their first show, The Gopher Hole invited conceptual artists, architects, designers, poets and writers to respond to a premise – the idea that today, a minute is all we seem to have. Haunted House is a 59s film by Edgar Martins, architect Pedro Gadanho Edgar Martins and sound artist Rui Gato.
viewReluctant Monoliths @ Estuaire, The Nantes Art Biennale
7 September 2009Conceived and developed in France, on the occasion of Estuaire 2009, this documentary is produced by Galerie Melanie Rio, Nantes and follows Edgar Martins during the production of his critically acclaimed body of work Reluctant Monoliths. These images examine the radical transformation of the Loire River Estuary and its traditional industries.