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What Photography & Incarceration have in Common with an Empty Vase

This project results from a collaboration with inmates, incarcerated in the West Midlands (UK), their families and local organisations and individuals. By giving a voice to his subjects, the author proposes to rethink and counter the sort of imagery normally associated with incarceration and confinement.

£100.00 buy
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What Photography & Incarceration have in Common with an Empty Vase

This project results from a collaboration with inmates, incarcerated in the West Midlands (UK), their families and local organisations and individuals. By giving a voice to his subjects, the author proposes to rethink and counter the sort of imagery normally associated with incarceration and confinement.

£65.00 buy
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Siloquies and Soliloquies on Death, Life and Other Interludes

Produced in collaboration with the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Portugal, between 2013 and 2017, this project is a reflexion on the tensions and contradictions inherent in the representation and imagination of death, in particular suicide, and the decisive but deeply paradoxical role that photography has played in its intelligibility and perception.

£65.00 buy