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Siloquies and Soliloquies on Death, Life and Other Interludes

Produced in collaboration with the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Portugal, between 2013 and 2017, this project is a reflexion on the tensions and contradictions inherent in the representation and imagination of death, in particular suicide, and the decisive but deeply paradoxical role that photography has played in its intelligibility and perception.

£65.00 buy

The Diminishing Present

Produced almost entirely within a 3km radius of the author’s home, and inspired by Salman Rushdie’s critique of the film The Wizard of Oz, The Diminishing Present is a visual contemplation on the concept of home and what it means to belong somewhere.

£39.99 buy
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This seminal book is brings together 5 bodies of work, inspired by both early 18th century evocations of the sublime and contemporary pictorial traditions.
But for all its historical evocation, the photographs in this publication are fraught with anxieties about ruin.

£36.00 buy
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Black Holes & Other Inconsistencies

This seminal book is an excursus on the metastization of the urban frontier. Produced in South-East China, Portugal and South Africa the author uses the ‘black hole’ in the landscape  as a way to rethink our relationship with the modern de-centred city.

£100.00 buy