
Edgar Martins @ The Future Now Symposium, Yorkshire Museum

Edgar Martins Martins participates in the The Future Now Symposium, which brings together award-winning artists who engage with themes from our changing world, such as: the ethics of representation, curation, AI and new technologies, diaspora and threats posed by the climate emergency.

This two-day event connects key institutions, galleries and artists to energise our minds and invite dialogue around the most pressing topics from the creative sector. Edgar Martins contributes to the Photography in Focus debate answering questions such as: where is photography headed? Is AI really a threat to creativity? What does it mean to make art that is caught between multiple places, times and genres? What is the intersection of science, anthropology and photography?

This event will take place on February 16, from 13:30 to 14:30 and includes practitioners and curators such as Hannah Starkey, Tom Hunter, Kavi Pujara, Dr. Ope Lori and Mary Phan